Intimate Productions brings you the final installment of the LLW for 2007. Everyone hates last call, but as the
longest running and only three room long weekend event in VanCity, we guarantee this last call will be one to be
With world renowned DJ / producer Jay Tripwire headlining in the Lotus, mash-up gurus and LLW staples Wood & Soo
holding it down in Honey, and a live performance from local techno heroes Primes in Lick, we've poured ourselves
a double on the rocks for the year's last Lotus Long Weekend.
Full Lineup includes:
Lotus - House Music All Night Long
Jay Tripwire Tom Thomas Nigel Ray
Honey - Anything The F@#k Goes
Wood N Soo Abasi vs Dr Jones Statler N Waldorf
Lick - Electro.Techno
Mike McSuede
Primes (live) Miss Myte