SiGNAL presents Mike McSuede
w/ Ollie Plé
Lotus Sound Lounge | 455 Abbott Street Vancouver, B.C. CA

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This Saturday Dec. 9 we're stoked to have guest DJ Mike McSuede join residents Ollie Ple and G-rock to lay it down SIGNAL style.

A staple of the early Vancouver house scene, Mike McCuaig aka Mike McSuede boasts an impressive resume from days long past. From Ginger Snaps Wednesdays at Mars, in the mid to late 90s which saw McSuede opening and playing with the likes of Ritchie Hawtin, Speedy J and numerous local live electronic acts. Continuing, he spent four years at the fabled Chameleon (which then then became the Element Sound Lounge), throwing down his signature house sound in its dark and cozy corridors. Add to that, were the early days of the Summer Love parties and being one of the original employees at Tyler Stadius' Bassix Imports. Mike draws from an extensive knowledge of dance floor dynamics, having thrown down too many records (and drinks) to remember. For a while Mike was a loyal user of Abelton Live but since attending the SONAR festival in Barcelona this past summer followed by SOUNDWAVE in July, Mike became even more inspired to go deeper into minimal techno and going back to playing vinyl. Through his association with local label Wagon Repair (the label for Mathew Jonson, Konrad Black and Hrdvsion) he has amassed the largest amount of records one could imagine someone building in the last 6 months. But like a true artist, Mike has managed to keep his sound fresh having not forgotten his roots and Vancouver's rich electronic heritage.

Expect a bunch of exclusives from some of Mike's European friends, plus he'll hopefully have some mix CD's to giveaway as well.
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